Dailymotion a été censuré en Tunisie. Toutes les infos ci-dessous. Ayant des lecteurs tunisiens, j’espère que mon blog ne le sera pas aussi 🙂
Tunisian activists are urging bloggers and Internet communities everywhere to post banners on their websites in protest of the government ban of a popular video-sharing service.
In the government’s latest attempt to stifle free expression, Tunisians have been prevented from “opening up and sharing their videos with the world” on Dailymotion, France’s answer to U.S.-based YouTube.
Dailymotion has been blocked in Tunisia since 1 April, after footage on the political situation in Tunisia was posted, says Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontières, RSF). RSF said: “The censorship of Dailymotion’s website shows that the government, which is as paranoid about the Internet as it is about the traditional press, is ready to ban tens of thousands of inoffensive videos in order to block a handful it does not like.”
The site has also recently been blocked in China.
To download a banner, visit the “Unblock Dailymotion Campaign” site.
Egalement censure en Chine ^^
C’est vrai dailymotion était censuré en Tunisie pendant quelques jours, mais acculement c’est plus le cas
et Youtube est inaccessible depuis quelque jours au Maroc!!!